Depression Can Make You Age Faster – Here’s Why

Aging is a natural part of life. However, premature aging is not natural at all. There are many factors that contribute to premature aging – stress, anxiety, depression, health problems, money problems etc., but the most debilitating effect is that of depression.

It impacts your health directly, making you appear to be older than you actually are.

Depression can be devastating, affecting all areas of your life and curbing your ability to move forward. The first step in resolving the problem (after consulting your doctor for advice and guidance) is to make the decision to do whatever it takes to take back control over how you feel. FasterEFT can help you to get rid of your depression, but only if you apply it diligently– and use it correctly.

Having said that, it is crucial you continue to take any medication that your doctor has prescribed and follow any other medical instructions. You can use FasterEFT to complement other treatments – it does not need to replace them.

Why You Can’t Think Yourself Younger

You’ve probably been bombarded with positive affirmations and visualizations that claim to make you look younger.

You may have even read that if you keep repeating positive thoughts, it’ll clear away all your depression and its effects. While positive thinking has its benefits, it has only a limited success rate.

The reason conscious thinking does very little to change depression is that the state of depression is physiological, not intellectual. The feeling of depression is caused by chemicals in your body; and since the job of the conscious mind is to give meaning to experiences using reason and logic, it creates thought patterns that serve to explain the feelings.

This becomes a cycle as the thoughts match the feelings – and those thoughts trigger more of the matching chemicals.

Changing the thoughts, under normal circumstances, would result in a change in the chemicals – and as a result, the feelings. These changed feelings would make you feel happier, healthier and you’d probably look better than before!

However, because depression is not a normal physiological state, and is being produced on “automatic” as a result of deeper programming, conscious thinking has little effect on the feeling of depression.

In order to change the feeling of depression, the chemical state needs to change (this is often addressed by medication) and in order to change the chemical state, the brain needs to trigger the organs to produce different chemicals.

To achieve that, the subconscious needs to be given a different set of records that support that new state.


Faster EFT Certification

How to Change Yourself – Level 1 Online Training

The Level 1 Practitioner Certification Training program is well pronounced as the user manual for your unconscious and conscious mind by many health professionals, laypeople and life coaches that is designed to deliver fast and profound personal changes for themselves and for clients.
Robert Smith, Founder and CEO of Skills to Change Institute Inc. is giving everyone an opportunity to discover the power to change and improve their quality of life, emotionally, financially, relationships and health, with a powerful set of skills. Click here to view full course details.


Depression – Behind the Scenes

Your subconscious holds “records” it has collected throughout your life experience. Starting from when you were born, your subconscious interprets your experiences and files that interpretation as a reference.

This is how you store knowledge about yourself and the world around you. It is how you learn about how life works, about other people and about who you are. These records are not necessarily true reality; they are reality as interpreted through your subconscious.

Each person’s reality is unique based on the filters (created by their subconscious from experiences) through which they are understanding the world. If you are suffering from depression, there are records in your subconscious that supports that state.

Your subconscious is referencing these records, and then prompting your brain to signal your organs and limbic brain to produce the chemicals that create the feelings of depression and inhibit the production of endorphins and other “feel good” chemicals.

This causes your physiology to age faster than normal. This is the reason why depressed people look and feel years older than they actually are. The chemicals in their body are literally inhibiting the cells from doing their proper job to keep you looking healthy.

The Solution

To stop premature aging, it’s necessary to get rid of the depression once and for all. Changing the original records that the subconscious is referring to will automatically change the signal that triggers the chemical reaction – which will in turn change the way you feel.

FasterEFT is designed to access the original records and change them without your needing to know what they are or where they came from.

The Process for Addressing Depression using FasterEFT

Step One

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and notice how you know you are depressed – if you’re not feeling depressed at the moment, remember a time when you were in that state. Notice how it feels; notice where in your body you feel it, and how strong that feeling is. This is how you aim.

Step Two

Using two fingers, and focusing now on the feeling of your fingertips on your skin, gently tap the following meridian points while saying the phrases.

– Between your eyebrows – I release and let it go

–  Beside your eye – It’s okay to let this go now

– Under your eye – It’s safe to let this go

– Just below your collarbone – I don’t need it anymore, and I’m safe as I’m letting it go

Step Three

Grab your wrist and take a deep breath and exhale. Say “Peace” and go to a peaceful memory. If you can’t think of one right now, make one up. Where would you like to be right now? Imagine sitting on a beach or in a garden in the sunshine. Imagine taking a bubble bath or hugging a pet or person you love. Enjoy that feeling for a moment.

Step Four

Now, go back to the feeling of depression and notice what’s different. Has the feeling changed? Has it moved position in your body? Is the intensity different? Are there any memories or thoughts that have come up? Just notice.

Step Five

Repeat the process from Step Two through Step Four. Continue to do this until all bad feelings have gone and have been replaced by good feelings. Don’t stop until you are feeling peaceful, loving, happy, excited – or any other good feeling.

Any memories that came to you should have flipped before you stop. For more information on flipping memories read Why do We Flip Memories in FasterEFT?


Create the Life You’ve Always Wanted – Starter Course

“Transform Your Life with FasterEFT” is an introduction to the FasterEFT tapping style. It’s the next step after the “7 Day Quick Start Course” and the step before Level I training.

“Transform Your Life with FasterEFT” contains almost 9 hours of video to help you learn the basics of FasterEFT including the FasterEFT belief system, how the mind works, the structure of problems and how to release those problems using the FasterEFT tapping style. It will teach you how to fix problems in your life and give you a sense of peace. It also includes live demonstrations of the FasterEFT tapping process by Robert Smith. Click here to view full course description.

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The post Depression Can Make You Age Faster – Here’s Why appeared first on Eutaptics® FasterEFT Trainings.

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