Eutaptics and PTSD: What it is and how to help

PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is an invisible but crippling dis-ease. It’s memory based but felt physically. So if you spend years in therapy with nothing really changing, then it’s time to take matters into your own hands. What we mean is, it’s time to start investing in yourself with some Eutaptics and PTSD based skills that are quick, efficient and actually address the REAL cause of trauma.

Eutaptics and PTSD uses tapping as a smart tool to help you turn that dis-ease into ease. It helps you to release the trauma, release the pain, release the hurt. We all have this tendency to go back to what hurt us, no matter if it’s a person, place or thing. Have you ever noticed that as soon as you start tapping with FasterEFT- Eutaptics, things start getting better? And as they do, you become complacent and stop tapping on yourself? Then inadvertently, you start allowing the same people, circumstances and emotions to control you again? Eutaptics tapping allows you to become free of old emotions that keep you stuck in the same cycle.


Breaking the Cycle – Eutaptics and PTSD

It’s very important to address everything. Would you invite a lion into your house? A lion that is going to hurt people that you love? Hopefully, the answer is no. That’s exactly what revisiting old hurts and traumas is like – inviting a lion into your home. The home that is your mind, body and emotions. We have these links that are tied to abusers from our past and our past relationships that can be broken, only if you keep working on yourself. What you need to do is divorce yourself from the negative memories, associations and hurts. Clean yourself – mind, body and soul.

It’s often easier to not do something that works. Because if it hurts, that means you have to go where it hurts, and face your demons. There’s a gift in pain, a gift in trauma, if you do one thing – go release the trauma and embrace the wisdom. There’s wisdom in letting go of the pain, and making the decision, “I will never let this happen to me again.” That’s the wisdom that is borne of using Eutaptics and PTSD.


The key

Tapping is a self healing, balancing process that brings you back to the present moment, as it helps you release the past. It allows you to keep the wisdom of the past and when you change the bad memories into something meaningful that you would rather have, that’s when the “miracles” start to occur. Your personality shifts from living in the past, to living in the present and embracing the future.

Once you do release the past – whether circumstances, places or people; don’t invite them over for dinner! Leave the past alone, learn from the incident and use that wisdom to help you make better decisions in the future. Eutaptics and PTSD training aims and has been successful in helping people do just that.

Everyone has a form of PTSD. It’s trauma from your past, it could be a big one like being deployed to a war torn country or a small one like your favorite childhood pet dying. It may be filled with a lot pain, hurt and anger, but it’s important to remember that the past doesn’t exist. If you’re suffering from the trauma, you’re the carrier of it, and only YOU can change it with the skills of changing your mind with Eutaptics and PTSD.  

That’s what Eutaptics is all about – changing your mind. Changing how you feel and how you represent this. Here’s the key – keep tapping on yourself. Tap on your fears, your emotions, your worries, your experiences that happened that hurt you, the people who hurt you. Tap them out of your mind and out of your life. We make the common mistake, over and over again, of dating the same person, feeling the same feeling, feeling the same experience (replaying memories) over and over again, and it’s time to end it.

That is – tap it all away with Eutaptics and PTSD.  Find and create a new relationship within yourself. As you do that, you will only let people into your life that treat you the way you treat yourself. If you hold trauma and abuse in your mind, you are the abuser, carrying the abuses of the past. Release them, change them and turn them into what you would rather have in your future. Keep tapping!

We also have a ‘Summer of Freedom’ Webinar Series coming up, with a webinar specifically on PTSD. Stay tuned for more details!


Personal Sessions with Robert

People who have worked directly with Robert often leave as transformed beings with a new perspective on life. Robert understands that grieving after a loss is a natural human reaction and encourages you to grieve. However, even as natural it may be for humans to grieve, it does not mean we do not learn how to cope and get back to function normally. Grief is a very damaging state that does the mind and body harm more than what we see in the surface.


Some people can cope faster and better than other people. It all depends on the individual and the circumstances surrounding their trauma. Robert’s sessions help people to move beyond death, divorce and other losses by using techniques taught at Live Eutaptics Seminars and trainings.

Robert G. Smith developed Faster EFT- Eutaptics by combining all the effective elements of EFT, BSFF, NLP, spiritual understanding, science and the mind’s great ability to transform. With this in mind you are assured that you are coping not temporarily, but coping for the better. Help yourself, but letting him help you. PTSD will then be a thing of the past.

Click here to book a session with Robert G. Smith: Personal Sessions with Robert G. Smith

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