Faster EFT: The #1 Key to Self Love and Weight Loss

Before we get started, please watch the following success stories about weight loss using Faster EFT.


  1. After discovering the effectiveness of Faster EFT, Dee discovered the truth behind this skill!


  1. Stephanie lost over 100lbs! Watch her story:



One of the most googled questions is, “how to lose weight”.


So it’s no surprise that weight loss has become a complicated world.


The #1 health problem in America today is Obesity.


If you’re not obese, then you are probably suffering from bulimia, anorexia, body dysmorphia or a host of other health related illnesses.


Millions of women and men live their entire lives feeling bad about themselves, their bodies and their weight.


Weight loss has become this elusive and over complicated subject.


We are here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be.


Knowing how to lose weight isn’t just about dieting, starving yourself, or working out till you pass out from exhaustion.


It’s not about fitting into your skinny jeans or getting six pack abs.


It’s about self love, self-acceptance and your emotional health.


What is Your Relationship with Food?

Some people can barely remember a time when they had a healthy relationship with food.


Did the question – how to lose weight, fill you with excitement instead of dread?


Did you feel grateful that your food provides you with fuel so you can function optimally in your physical body?


Or did you look at your food and feel disgusted because it reminded you of how overweight you were?


Or, did you look at it like it was your best friend?


Because it provided an escape from the harsh reality that is your life?


Related: Attend the Weight Loss Weekend Live Seminar and shed those pounds!


Your Family and Weight Loss

How many of you grew up hearing that you’re not attractive?


That you’re not slim enough?


Or pretty enough?


When you were at the playground, did other kids tease you and call you “fat”?


Or variations of that word?


Were you unable to climb to the top of the rope ladder in gym class?


And then your classmates teased you relentlessly for months on end?


If you answered yes to all these questions, then it means you have an unhealthy relationship with food.


It means that all the emotions related to your body image are negative in nature.


Knowing how to lose weight effectively is tied to your self image, confidence and emotions.


Your whole self-image since childhood became built upon those cruel words.


So you learned and picked up that you can’t “trust food” because it’s not good for you.


That food makes you unattractive.


All this is a recipe for deeply ingrained negative belief systems.


Read: 5 Faster EFT Keys to Weight Loss


Weight Loss isn’t about Taking a Pill

The weight loss industry is booming, while offering you nothing but false hope.


If losing weight was as simple as taking medication, or chanting a mantra, then there wouldn’t be a weight problem in the world.


The business of being slim does not offer a permanent or sustainable solution.


Faster EFT does.


Because it gets the core root of your problem, solves it, then the outside results change.


Instead of just changing the effect (your body), it changes the cause of the weight gain.


Thereby making sure you employ the best strategy to lose weight easily, happily and effectively.


Read: How to do the Faster EFT Tap – The Basic Recipe


Weight Loss and Faster EFT Tapping

The Faster EFT Life Changing Weight Loss Hack That Will Change Your Life


Many people who have successfully used Faster EFT tapping for weight loss know that the key to weight loss is releasing deep seated emotional issues, and letting them go.


Faster EFT also helps when you get sudden cravings right in the moment.


But only if you chose to tap!


You’ll also realize that you as you continue to use Faster EFT tapping, you’re on a journey to self love and self acceptance.


Even if you’re not a Victoria’s Secret model.


Or look like Ryan Reynolds.


You will come to love and accept yourself, just the way you are.


And that will automatically result in physical changes that you only previously dreamed about.


This then becomes the fastest tool to lose weight fast.


Read: How to boost your Metabolism with Eutaptics


So how do you use Faster EFT tapping to lose weight?


By addressing your emotional issues.


By clearing up old hurt feelings and memories, and releasing the pent up emotional stress from your body.


We encourage everyone to invest in the weekend Weight Loss workshop coming up.

Transform Yourself Series:

Weight Loss and Relationship with Food

The Transform Yourself Series is part of our year long series of learning to TRANSFORM different areas of our lives.


This weekend event is about Weight Loss and Transforming your relationship with Food.  


This is a 2 day weekend introduction to Faster EFT.


You will learn the basics of the Faster EFT/ Eutaptics belief system, how the mind works, the structure of problems and the Faster EFT tapping style with live demonstrations of tapping by Robert Smith.


This seminar is open to anyone who wants to experience the transformational power of Faster EFT and how to release the cause of all problems.


You will learn how to use the Faster EFT tapping style to break the emotional connections with food that cause over-eating, comfort-eating and food addictions.


You will NATURALLY eat less food without the anxiety, cravings, or regret and lose weight in a way that’s healthy and balanced, the way nature intended.


You will also learn the FasterEFT belief system, how the mind works, the structure of problems, and how to take control of your body and your life.


It includes live demonstrations of specific weight loss tapping methods by Robert Smith.

To book your spot visit:

Yes, I want to Lose Weight

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